Loralai is growing so fast and in one and a half months she will turn two! I can't believe it, time is going by so fast. My little baby girl isn't going to be a baby much longer. I want to update the list of her favorite things, as this list seems to change monthly.
FOOD:If she had it her way, the world would be made of candy. Since we don't let her eat candy all the time, her favorite foods are ice cream, sour cream, ketchup, chocolate, and marshmallows. She really can't eat those foods all the time either, so her favorite REAL food is chicken nuggets, macaroni and cheese, bologna, applesauce, and avocados.
MUSIC: She LOVES the kids pop group Hi-5. She knows some of the words and tries to sing along with the music sometimes. They have choreographed dance moves and she even knows some of those. The group I would say is a mix between N-Sync and ABBA. She also loves ABBA and The Wiggles
MOVIES: The only movie she will watch all the way through is DUMBO. She loves this movie. She stands up during the scene where Dumbo's mom is being taken to solitary confinement and shouts, "NO, NO!!!" During the scene where Dumbo visits his mom in solitary and Dumbo's mom sings "Baby Mine", Loralai stands up with a doll and rocks the doll back and forth and sings along. Very cute!
TV: Spongebob Squarepants, The Wiggles, Elmo's World, and Veggie Tales, and most of all Hi-5. She laughs out loud during Spongebob, it's funny to see her mouth fall open and her little nose crinkle and a huge cackle come out!
BOOKS: She likes to read the nursery rhyme collection book. She also likes How Do I Love You?, From Head to Toe, and The Icky Sticky Frog.
WORDS: Favorite phrases: "One more" (pronounced "mun-mo") - said with her index finger up in the air. "Don't do that", "Me, me, mine", "Jewelry", "No, your Jewelry", "Shoes", "No, your shoes", "My Ta-ta (Tyler)", "Mommy, now!", "Please (peez) Da-da".
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