Monday, September 8, 2008


Tyler just played in his first soccer game this past week and said he had fun. The picture above was taken at his first practice. Most of the time was spent just trying to get through to the kids that their hands are not supposed to touch the ball.
Loralai watched from the sidelines and ate ice to keep busy. She kicked the ball some on the sidelines, but mostly just watched and emptied my purse over and over again.
This is Tyler at his first game. They are a little confused because we were telling them to get in there and get the ball from the other team. The first years of their life are spent telling them not to take things from other kids, now we are telling them to not only take the ball, but use your feet and not your hands and kick it away from the other team. Each team plays only three kids so that there isn't too much confusion on the field, so only six kids total on the field. Tyler scored a goal at his first game, he was pretty excited once he realized what he had done. The kids were pretty confused the whole time, it was funny to watch. Tyler loves drama, so he fell down about twenty times during the game, rolling around on the ground. There would be no kids around or ball, he'd be running and then just fall and then stand up and shake his head and say, "Whew!". Then he'd look out at the parents and see me and drew and smile big, like he had been caught faking.

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