Sunday, April 12, 2009


Today the kids had an easter egg hunt at church and had a lot of fun with that. There were over 400 eggs and the kids were split up per age group. Loralai was in the 3 and under group while Tyler was in the 4-6 group. Unfortunately, I couldn't be with Tyler while he was hunting for eggs but he seemed to do pretty well...all the kids did really since there were so many eggs! It was fun to watch Loralai hunt for eggs. She seemed to get right away what she was supposed to do. She wasn't as aggressive about it as Tyler was at this age, but she didn't shy away either. The only pictures I was able to get of Tyler after the egg hunt was of him sitting down by his basket of eggs. He stayed there for about 15 minutes until we left. I thought he felt sick, but he told me he was keeping watch over his eggs, he didn't want anyone taking them!
After lunch we came home and played with bubbles outside that the easter bunny left in their baskets. We also flew a kite which turned out to be funnier than intended. Watching Drew fly the kite combined with Loralai crying to hold the kite and Tyler kept getting caught in the kite string...Drew was getting so was so funny!
Loralai has now crashed after the sugar high and taking a nap. Tyler never seems to run out of energy and is now playing lego star wars on the Wii. We are about to play RockBand and on a side note I got 100% on the vocals(expert level) for "You Oughta Know". It's just killing Drew that I'm better at this then he is :)


Unknown said...
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Andrea said...

You bought Rock Band!?!

Jen said...

my parents bought it for tyler's birthday! It's an early present!

Lisa R. said...

Picturing Drew with that kite is making me think of him dressed as a pinata! I know we shouldn't laugh when someone gets frustrated...